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The APGIC had incorporated a whole subsidiary company by name Andhra Pradesh Gas Distribution Corporation (APGDC) vide G.O.Ms.No.10, Infrastructure & Investment (Airports) Department, Dt. 15.06.2011. The percentage of equity to be held by the APGIC and GAIL GAS Ltd, shall be at 50% each initially, before off-loading to private participants. After off-loading the 50% equity to the Private/Public participants, APGIC and GAIL GAS Ltd will retain 25% equity each as per the terms of the said G.O.

As GAIL GAS Ltd is the whole subsidiary of GAIL (India) Ltd., and got the experience and expertise in laying and maintaining the City or Local Gas Distribution Networks as well as cross-country pipelines, it is thought their association will augment well for the State.

On 9.9.2011, the APGDC and GAIL Gas Limited have signed Shareholders Agreement paving the way for equity participation by GAIL Gas Limited in APGDC.

The Downstream and Midstream activities of APGIC were transferred to APGDC.
